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Transmission Work in Aiken, SC

AAMCO Aiken is your go-to for professional transmission services in Aiken, SC. Transmissions are crucial for smooth acceleration by translating your vehicle’s power to the wheels. If your vehicle’s performance declines, it might be a transmission issue. Our certified mechanics offer comprehensive car, truck, and SUV transmission repair. Through diagnostics, we identify and fix transmission problems to enhance your vehicle’s performance. Contact us today for a free appointment if your vehicle needs to run smoothly.

diagnostic report

Warning Signs of a Failing Transmission

As a responsible vehicle owner, it is essential to understand how your car or truck operates. Over time, as the mileage accumulates, you notice a gradual decline in performance. Neglecting to address the typical indications that your transmission is beginning to deteriorate can result in significantly higher expenses for future automotive repairs. It is crucial to stay vigilant and proactive in identifying and addressing any potential issues early on to ensure the longevity of your vehicle.

Visit Our Trusted Mechanics at the First Sign of Trouble

Be proactive; schedule a vehicle diagnosis at AAMCO Aiken when you notice the following issues:

  • Gears Slipping: This occurs when your transmission cannot shift smoothly between gears or falls out of gear as you drive.
  • Burning Smell: Transmissions rely on lubricant to reduce friction and wear and tear. A burning smell may indicate you’re running low on transmission fluid.
  • Delayed Acceleration: This happens when the transmissions can’t provide adequate torque from the engine to your wheels.
  • Fluid Leak: A transmission fluid leak should be repaired by trusted mechanics. If left unchecked, it can lead to severe issues with your transmissions in the future.
  • Check Engine Light: Your vehicle’s check engine light is a safety feature that alerts you to any issues with your car. This should always be addressed.

Learn More About Our Multi-Point Transmission Check

When choosing a reliable and experienced auto repair shop, it’s essential to choose one that follows a comprehensive multi-point transmission check. We do this to ensure the issue with your transmission is detected quickly and accurately. At AAMCO Aiken, we conduct three distinct vehicle inspections on the road and within our shop. Our diagnostics include:

  • Initial Evaluation: Our licensed technicians will inspect your transmission fluid levels, transfer case, and differential fluid if necessary.
  • Road Test: We’ll take your car on the road to evaluate its drive ranges, upshift and downshift timing and quality, passing gears, torque converter clutch, 4×4, and numerous other issues.
  • In-Shop: Once the road test is complete, we’ll bring it back to our shop to check your shift linkage, engine idle, mounts, final drive, fluid retention, and more.

Choose AAMCO Aiken for Your Transmission Needs

Drivers throughout Aiken, SC, and the surrounding communities choose AAMCO Aiken for transmission repair and rebuilds because we’re the area’s most experienced team. Our technicians can identify the early warning signs that your transmission is beginning to fail. Please don’t wait until it’s too late! If you suspect your vehicle’s transmission is starting to fail, schedule an appointment with our team of trusted mechanics at AAMCO Aiken today. We’re always here to provide superior transmission repair services to quickly get your vehicle back on the road.

Get Your Free Inspection Today